Tuesday, June 30, 2015

So you really need to "get ahead"???

So here is the thing: I've been doing the cross-border work commute (from Windsor, ON, Canada to Detroit, MI, USA) for a little over 14 yrs now...some things though still make me shake my head, especially when we (the commuters) do it to ourselves!

In case you're wondering, this blog post has nothing to do with the standard border crossing "thing"...no, not at all. Rather I want to focus on how the people who all share the same goal: cross as quickly as possible, as seamlessly as possible and as un-eventfully as possible, rarely ever actually try to take a pro-active role in making this happen.

Take today as an example, and some of you may relate to this if you have ever witnessed this event (shame on those of you who are guilty of perpetuating this).

I have an Ambassador Bridge Toll pass, not just any pass mind you, the super "high-tech" RFID, "...ooooo...ahhhh..." you might say, and I concur, for the most part this beats having to roll down the window, swipe the toll card, or actually pay with cash or credit card. Now, this RFID sticker is attached to my windshield...by the time I pull up to the toll booth the reader picks this signal up, gates swing open..and wallah....I am off to my next stage of the marathon, climb the mighty bridge and flash a great smile for the home-country customs officer.

So usually this works great...until...like today, you are followed very closely by one of these types, described fairly as a "societal leach"...that's right, a pestilence, an individual very representative of a "low life user"...who sneaks up right behind you as you go past the RFID sensor, basically riding your bumper, all in hopes of sneaking past the tool booth for free...well, for them, because you and I, those of us who pay the toll just paid for their free ride.

You would think in 14 yrs of doing the cross-border commute I would have seen it all...indeed, and as luck would have it in this case, some of these things repeatedly, and this one in particular committed by the very same driver/person/sub-human creature...LOL!

Thus the blog, I've had it...enough...between the ones who insist on cutting into the NEXUS lane at the very front of the waiting line, all along as the pile of us "law abiding" citizens spend our time waiting in the queue, or the ones who will stop at nothing to get a free ride, I've decided to highlight their cause and suggest to everyone else that by all means, they would love for you to help them some more!!!

That's right, as I capture the photos of these individuals please take a look at them, I encourage you to spot them in the wild, and when you do by all means give them a great visual "sign of approval" if you will!

  1. Jun-30, 2015, still on the US side of bridge approach as I'm crossing back to Canada, approx time of crime 7pm, a black BMW X3 SUV, licence plate BXAE 410, driven by a woman, races up to me as I cross the toll both and sneaks through basically barely missing my rear bumper by a proverbial "hair"...and here she is, in all her "glory"...sad...very sad...I feel sorry for the sad person that you surely are, as you must be missing a pile of the good stuff in your life to need to build your self-confidence up in such a way...

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