Saturday, October 31, 2015

The Un-Safe know them when you see them...

LOL...we all know the sterotyping thing right?...sayings like "...don't judge the book by it's cover...", etc, etc...however...sometimes you need to toss all the good things your mom taught you while you were a little younge "sponge" out the proverbial window and call 'em how they really are!!!

So here is an example. During one of my morning commutes, while traveling in the car lane, I see behind me this fast approaching car in the truck lane of the Ambassador Bridge (heading towards the US side from Canada). I'm thinking "...yeah, guy is in a rush...but hey where is he going to go with that semi truck right up ahead of me?...", well, wouldn't you know it...the speeding driver (according to him) is absolutely entitled to literally drive up to the truck bumper and cut right into my lane...always a fun activity when the only other place you can go to is the oncoming truck traffic from the US.

Yeah...I slam on the brakes, honk a little, and move on.

The next day, as it happens, this very same driver is crossing the bridge toll booth on the US side (right past the US customs check) at the very same time I am. I ignore the bastard, no sense wasting my time. However...within about 5 minutes this shmuck literally cuts across...wait wait, you ready for it???...not 2, not 3, but 4 lanes of traffic to plow right in front of me as I attempt to merge off of I96 onto I94. HOLY SHIT!!! Yeah, I get a little more excited this would too!

So I manage to swerve the car to the right, slam the brakes, luckily there is no one behind me. It is at this time that I'm thinking SAFETY!!!

What to do? Well, I snap a few pics of the idiot, the car, the driver (take a peek at that God, this is embodiment of "only a mother would love that"...LOL).

...back to the story nearly a month later I am now coming back home from work (US towards Canada) and crossing the Ambassador Bridge. As you know, at this point in time the bridge folks are once again patching up the holes...left and right the lanes are blocked off, traffic is shifting to the left, then to the what do I see this time? Wow...yeah, you guessed it...the same bloody guy speeding up, and we're not talking just going a little faster, I'm mean "pedal to the metal" fast, while all along the traffic up ahead of me is dead still.

Indeed, the standard "a-hole" behaviour applies here, he cuts another driver off as he shifts between lanes, then actually pops in front of a truck in the right I'm thinking it's one thing to drive like a complete moron when you're somewhere on a road, but on the Bridge, with countless cars and literally nowhere to go???

Bottom line, this driver is a complete idiot, un-safe and I'm convinced one day nature will de-select him from the DNA pool...until then, all of you fellow drivers out there, keep your eyes open for this Black Lexus, license plate: BXWE 235.